Thank you for visiting our web site. We've put forth a lot of time and effort offering this service to our community and the people we serve. We're constantly looking for ways to enhance and update the information on our website, and hope that you find it to be useful. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve our site, as we encourage and value your input. We at Brown's Funeral Home strive to continue providing the highest standards of service to our community and the people we serve. It's these values and standards that have earned us the most trusted name in the funeral industry and has made us the longest serving funeral family in all of Clark County and Southwest Washington.
Brown's Funeral Home has been providing the Vancouver and Camas-Washougal communities with Cremation, Burial, and Celebration of Life Services since 1932.
Brown's Funeral Home owns and operates their own Crematory, which means no crematory fees.